Have you just started bodybuilding and are trying your best to increase your strength level? That’s great and I should congratulate you. Today I am here to present you with a great strength training plan for beginners.
In addition, I am going to teach you many important and practical tips that can help you reach your goals faster. So be sure to stay with me until the end of the article!
Table of contents
- Why is this strength training plan great for beginners?
- Common beginner mistakes that you should avoid
- 3-Day Beginner Strength Training Plan
- Important principles to follow before starting your workout
- Golden Rules for Building Muscle Faster in Bodybuilding!
- Final conclusion about the beginner training program for increasing strength
Why is this strength training plan great for beginners?
Sometimes I see some athletes think that the more professional and difficult a training plan is, the better and it can help the athlete reach their goals faster. But is that really true? I say no!
A training program can only help a bodybuilder reach his goal when it is exactly in line with his physical condition and level. So if you have just started bodybuilding, be sure that a strength training program at the beginner level will be much better and more effective for you. If you’re looking for effective ways to build strength without equipment, check out these bodyweight exercises for muscle growth (Live Science), which can be a great starting point for beginners.
The training program that I will present to you in this article covers all the needs of a beginner athlete so that he can increase his strength as quickly as possible.
Common beginner mistakes that you should avoid
Before we get to the point and explain the training program, let’s look at some of the mistakes that beginner bodybuilders usually make. I am saying these things so that you do not repeat them again!
Mistake 1: Using heavy weights from day one
Dear friend, I know you like to lift heavy weights so that others in the gym respect you, but believe me, this is not the way to go! First, you need to get stronger and reach a level where your muscles and joints can handle heavy weights. If you go for heavy weights without sufficient preparation, nothing but injury and incorrect execution of movements await you.
Mistake 2: Not paying attention to the correct form of the movement
I can confidently say that the worst mistake a bodybuilder, whether a beginner or a professional, can make is incorrect execution of movements. The main priority is correct and principled execution of exercises. So, do not sacrifice correct form of movement for the sake of a few extra kilos of weight or an extra repetition.
Mistake 3: Not having a specific training program
If you go to the gym every day and randomly perform any movement that comes to your mind and choose the number of sets and repetitions without a plan, you are making a big mistake! The training program should be designed in advance and based on your physical condition and needs so that you can achieve the best results.
Mistake 4: Not paying attention to diet and enough protein
There is a cliché in bodybuilding that says: “The body is built in the kitchen”. I completely agree with this statement, because until you provide the necessary substances for building muscle and increasing strength through nutrition, no matter how hard you train in the gym, it will be useless and may even have the opposite effect.
Mistake 5: Comparing yourself to others
Everything can have its own harm and the scourge of bodybuilding is comparing yourself to others. Accept that everyone has their own genetics, lifestyle and possibilities and you are never going to be like anyone else. The right thing to do is just check your progress and if you are getting better, then you are on the right track.
3-Day Beginner Strength Training Plan
Okay, now let’s get to the main point. Here is the training plan you have been waiting for. This is a three-day program.
Day 1: Upper body workout (chest, back, shoulders, and arms)
Day 2: Lower body workout (legs and glutes)
Day 3: Compound workout + core muscles
This is a beginner training program to increase strength for athletes who are just starting their journey on this path.
If you are a woman and want to increase your strength and build muscle at home without exercise equipment, just read strength training at home for women.
Important principles to follow before starting your workout
Everything has its own rules, and bodybuilding is no exception. You need to know the basic principles and rules of bodybuilding well so that you can achieve your desired results faster and with higher quality.
Some of the most important rules to follow as a beginner bodybuilder include the following:
- Performing exercises with correct form and range of motion
- Use a combination of multi-joint and single-joint movements
- Adequate rest (not too little or too much) between sets
- Gradually increasing weights for continuous progress (the principle of overload)
For a comprehensive understanding of these principles and more, “The Poliquin Principles” by Charles Poliquin offers valuable insights into effective strength and mass development strategies.
Now I want to explain each of these in more detail and give some golden tips for each section. So don’t go anywhere and stay with me until the end of the article!
Performing Exercises with Proper Form and Range of Motion
To be honest, it’s tempting to try to impress others at the gym with heavy weights. But doing so can be detrimental to your health. Even if we’re optimistic and assume you don’t get injured, at the very least you won’t get much out of your workouts.
Always choose a weight that you can perform with the correct form for the exact number of repetitions (as per your training plan).
Use a Combination of Multi-Joint and Single-Joint Movements
Multi-joint movements are exercises that engage multiple muscle groups at once. The first example that comes to mind is the squat. Imagine how many muscles and joints are engaged when you do a squat! This simultaneous activation of multiple muscles is incredibly effective for increasing strength.
In contrast, single-joint movements are exercises that target only one specific muscle. For example, in the dumbbell curl, only the biceps and elbow joint are involved.
You should include a mix of multi-joint and single-joint movements in your training program. This is a smart approach, because you will benefit from the benefits of both types of training.
Adequate rest (not too little, not too much) between sets
Imagine yourself at the gym for a moment. You must have seen athletes who spend most of their time sitting on the bench talking or just watching others train. Never be one of these people. That’s it!
Taking too much rest between sets will reduce the intensity and pressure of your training, as a result, the effect of the training on strength and muscle growth will be less.
But be careful not to overdo it! If the rest time between sets is too short, your body will not have enough time to recover and you will likely become overtrained.
Gradual Increase in Weights for Continuous Progress (The Progressive Overload Principle)
Let me tell you a short story. In ancient times, a man had a small calf. Every day, he would put the calf on his shoulders and carry it for a distance. As the days passed, the calf grew bigger and heavier, but the man kept carrying it. Finally, when the calf grew into a full-grown cow, the man could still put it on his shoulders and carry it!
Yes, I admit that this story sounds a bit fictional, but believe me, that is exactly one of the most important rules of bodybuilding!
The overload principle in strength training plan for beginners, means: You should gradually increase the weights over time and use different methods to increase the intensity of your training. This will make your body stronger as the training becomes more intense. And that’s what we want!
Golden Rules for Building Muscle Faster in Bodybuilding!
We are nearing the end of this article and I hope that you have gained some useful information so far that will help you on your path to increasing strength as a beginner bodybuilder.
Based on my personal experience and several years of coaching and working with various athletes, I have concluded that these 4 things are very important in strength training plan for beginners and are effective for increasing strength and muscle in bodybuilding:
- Focus on performing movements correctly with the right weight (heavy enough)
- Proper nutrition and getting enough sleep
- Consistent training and perseverance (without rushing and emotional decisions)
- Warm up well before starting training and cool down after training
Final conclusion about the beginner training program for increasing strength
In this article, I presented a beginner-level training program for increasing strength and muscle to you, dear athletes. In addition to the workout plan, I also gave you a collection of the best and most effective tips and techniques.
I hope that by implementing these things, you will become the strong and powerful athlete you have always dreamed of and enjoy your progress!
Remember that perseverance and adherence to the basic principles of bodybuilding are the first and last words on this path!
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