How to take whey protein and creatine


How to take whey protein and creatine

Now, in this Max Muscle Science article, we want to teach you, dear athletes, how to take two wonderful supplements: creatine and whey protein.

Whey protein and creatine are two of the most employed and potent supplements used in bodybuilding and athletics. Whey protein and creatine supplementation together enhances sports performance, muscle development, and post-workout recovery.

So, follow me as I guide you through taking creatine and whey protein together.

If you are also looking for more information on how to take whey protein and creatine , as well as the dos and don’ts of taking creatine and whey protein together, we suggest you follow this article to answer your questions by reviewing scientific and credible evidence.

creatine protein supplements

Whey protein and its uses

Whey protein is extracted from whey and is known as a rich source of high-quality protein.  Whey protein supplements are a good option for athletes and people looking to increase muscle mass and improve their athletic performance because they are quickly and completely absorbed by the body.

Whey protein

Taking whey protein supplements can help increase muscle protein synthesis,  muscle growth , accelerate post-workout recovery, increase lean body mass, lose or gain weight (depending on the type of consumption), and strengthen the immune system.

Since whey protein is a healthy and natural constituent, its respective amounts do not cause any profound damage or ill effects in sound individuals and are extremely beneficial. However, whey protein always needs to be consumed according to the body’s energy and protein needs.

Excessive consumption of whey protein may be associated with weight gain, digestive, kidney or liver problems, especially in people with underlying diseases.

The best time to consume whey protein

So far, we have learned about the uses, benefits, and disadvantages of whey protein, but we should note that  the method of consuming whey protein is largely related to its effectiveness and varies depending on our purpose of consumption.

The best time to consume whey protein can be divided into the following categories based on different conditions:

Whey protein intake time for volume:

The best time to consume whey protein is after a workout. During and when a workout is being done, the body needs protein and amino acids to repair and build muscle.

Also, the best time to consume whey protein is after breakfast because fasting at night can lead to protein breakdown and one can supplement with the needed protein in the morning by consuming whey protein with or after breakfast.

Whey protein can also be taken at night. It can be taken before bedtime to help provide the body with the amino acids it needs to repair and build muscles during sleep.

When to consume whey protein for fat burning

Taking whey protein 30 to 60 minutes before meals can suppress appetite and increase feelings of fullness. Taking whey protein will also help to ensure that your daily protein requirements are met in order to keep your metabolism at a good level.

How and when to use whey protein for weight gain:

Taking whey protein following meals (30 to 60 minutes after breakfast, lunch, and dinner) helps to improve calorie consumption and provide protein for weight gain.

However, it is recommended to  use a carbohydrate supplement such as a gainer supplement along with whey protein for better results.

However, whatever the purpose of taking this supplement, you can use whey protein with cold or hot water , milk, juice, or other desired beverages.

Creatine and its uses

Creatine is a natural peptide made up of three amino acids: glycine, arginine, and methionine. Creatine is produced by the body and, to a large degree, stored in muscles and the brain. Creatine is also found in some foods, i.e., meat and fish.

Creatine in the human body is stored in the form of creatine phosphate and utilized to supply energy. Creatine is now manufactured and sold as a supplement. Creatine supplements are taken by all kinds of athletes to supply energy, enhance sporting performance, and build size.

creatine powder

Best time to take creatine

The way to consume creatine can be by following a loading period followed by a stabilization period, or without a loading period.

Even though it is not necessary to implement a loading phase for creatine, to optimize the outcome, you can take 20 to 25 grams of creatine in divided dosages throughout the day in the first week and continue 5 to 10 grams of daily intake from the second week onward.

The optimal times to consume creatine during the loading phase are upon waking up, after lunch, in the evening (or 30 minutes prior to training), after dinner (or shortly after training), and before sleeping.

The best time to take creatine during the consolidation period is about 5 grams after training. One can also take 5 grams of creatine before training if needed. 5 grams of creatine must be taken after breakfast on non-training days.

Taking creatine and whey protein simultaneously

Whey protein is a high-speed digested and quick-absorbing protein that provides essential amino acids employed to mend and construct muscle. Creatine, on the other hand, is a drug employed to amplify muscle strength and reduce fatigue through provision of energy to muscle cells.

There are some people who believe that when creatine is taken with whey protein, these supplements work better. However, clinical tests have not observed such an influence. In fact, taking creatine and whey protein at the same time does not have any complication or risk for healthy people, but it is useless in terms of efficacy.

However, since the best time to consume whey protein and creatine to increase muscle mass and reduce fatigue is immediately after training, many athletes prefer to combine these two supplements and consume them simultaneously.

How to take creatine and whey protein together

In answer to the question of how to consume whey protein and creatine , it should be said that typically, 20-30 grams of whey protein can be mixed with 3-5 grams of creatine in a glass of liquid and consumed in one serving.

The best time to consume whey protein and creatine together is immediately after training. Also, if needed, and especially for heavier athletes, a person can consume a serving of whey protein and creatine before training.

The best time to take creatine and protein on non-training days is after breakfast.

Final words

In this article, we tried to provide you, my loves, with full information on how to consume whey protein and creatine. Whey protein and creatine are two widely used supplements among athletes and those who want to gain muscle and strength.

Although taking creatine and whey protein simultaneously will not increase the effectiveness of these supplements, no known danger or complication has been reported so far. Therefore, those who want to utilize the benefits of both these supplements can take these two supplements together.

But always it is recommended that you consult a nutritionist to choose the right supplement, dosage, and use so that, in addition to following a good diet, you can also make use of the benefits of supplements and escape the possible side effects because of excess or incorrect consumption of supplements.

Dear friends, you can get in touch with me by posting your comments and questions at the bottom of this page.


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