How to Take Dianabol for Your First Cycle (✅ The Right Way!)


Dianabol bottle, symbolizing strength and power during a Dianabol cycle.

Dianabol is one of the most popular oral steroids in the bodybuilding world. This steroid packs on muscle mass and boosts strength fast in a short time. Looks like you have decided to try your first Dianabol cycle!

That means you are definitely going to need the practical and essential information I am about to share in this article. So, do not go anywhere and stick with me till the end!

It is crucial that you know the rules of the game and do not act out of excitement. If you mess up your Dianabol usage, you are very likely to face a bunch of side effects like acne, hair loss, water retention, and even gynecomastia! (Source 1: PubMed)

But do not worry! In this article, I will explain exactly how to run your first Dianabol cycle properly, so you can get the best results without suffering from serious side effects.

My goal is to teach you how to use Dianabol safely and with minimal risk, especially for those of you who are trying it for the first time.

If you want to maximize your gains and avoid dangerous mistakes, this article is exactly what you need!

Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only and does not recommend the unsupervised use of any drug.

What is Dianabol and how does it work?

The first and most important question is “What is Dianabol and how does it miraculously increase muscle mass and strength?”

In short, Dianabol increases your muscle building and strength through the following methods: (Source 2)

  1. It increases protein synthesis in the muscles.
  2. It causes more nitrogen retention in the muscles.
  3. It increases the number of red blood cells.
  4. It converts carbohydrates into more energy by increasing glycogenolysis.
  5. It greatly increases the body’s metabolism and strength.

Now let’s take a closer look at each of these. Don’t worry! You are not going to face a complicated and boring scientific article. It is just a simple review that will help you understand Dianabol better. So, take your time and stick with me!

Protein synthesis is the process that the body uses to build muscle. So, when we say that Dianabol increases protein synthesis, it means that your muscle building process will be faster.

Nitrogen is one of the most important elements in building muscle. The more nitrogen the body retains, the more anabolic the environment becomes and the more inclined the body is to build muscle. What better than that?!

Increased red blood cells mean more oxygen reaches your muscles. More oxygen means:

  • More strength and endurance
  • Faster recovery
  • Stronger muscle pumps during workouts (which I love! How about you?)

Dianabol makes your body use carbohydrates more efficiently. The result:

  • More energy for hard and heavy workouts
  • Improved metabolism
  • Increased performance in strength training

One of the cool things about Dianabol is that it increases your basal metabolic rate (BMR), which means your body burns more fat. But there’s a catch—due to water retention, this fat burning may not be as noticeable.

And that’s why Dianabol is so popular in bodybuilding! Now that you know how it works, you can better understand why this steroid is one of the most powerful and effective options for bulking and strength. 💪🔥

I’ve shared everything you need to know about Dianabol as an athlete, but if you want to learn more, you can read this article on PubMed.

What is the best dosage of Dianabol for beginners?

So, let’s get to the point! If we are going to run our first Dianabol cycle, what dosage should we use to get the best possible results and at the same time not suffer from severe side effects? I am here to tell you how to do it.

Based on my experience working with various students, I have come to the conclusion that the best possible dosage for someone who wants to use Dianabol for the first time is just 20-30 mg per day.

  • If you take less than this amount, you will not get acceptable results.
  • If you take more than this amount, the risk of side effects increases significantly.

So it is better to stay within this range and avoid overdoing it.

If you have any experience in this area, I would love to share your thoughts with me and other athletes in the comments section!

How to plan your first Dianabol cycle?

In this section, I am going to provide a general template for a beginner’s first Dianabol cycle.

This cycle can last 4 to 6 weeks, and the dosage per week will be as follows:

  • Weeks 1 and 2: 20 mg per day
  • Weeks 3 and 4: 30 mg per day
  • Weeks 5 and 6: 20 mg per day

As you can see, I have structured the dosage in a pyramid. That is:

  • Start with a low dose to see how your body reacts.
  • Increase the dose in weeks 3 and 4 if you have no problems.
  • Reduce the dose in the last few weeks to help your body’s hormonal levels reset.

You will also likely need a PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) after this cycle.

What time of day should you take Dianabol?

The question you may have is, does it matter what time of day you take Dianabol? ✅ Yes, it does!

Since Dianabol has a short half-life (around 3-6 hours), the time of day you take it will have a big impact on your performance and results.

But what is the best time to take it? It depends on your goals, daily dosage, and your body’s tolerance.

If your dosage is low (e.g. 10 mg per day):

  • The best way is to take the entire amount at once.
  • The best time to take it is 30 minutes before your workout to experience the most strength and muscle pump.

If your dosage is higher (e.g. 20 mg or more):

  • It is best to split the dose into at least two doses and take it throughout the day.
  • For example, one dose in the morning and one dose in the afternoon.

Should we take Dianabol on an empty stomach or after a meal?

This is an important question! From my own experience, I can say that taking Dianabol on an empty stomach can cause digestive discomfort and stomach pain. However, there are some athletes who have no problem with this.

  • If you have a sensitive digestive system, it is better to take Dianabol after a meal (for example, breakfast and lunch) to avoid any problems.
  • If you do not have any problems with an empty stomach, you can take it without food, but be careful that its absorption may be faster and some people may experience digestive discomfort.

So, choose the right method of use based on your body’s reaction!

Stacking Dianabol with Other Steroids (Should You Do This?)

You’re probably tempted to find a companion for Dianabol to get better results and bigger muscles! I mean, stack Dianabol with another steroid. But before you decide on that, let’s talk more about it.

What’s the difference between taking Dianabol alone and in combination with other steroids?

Taking Dianabol alone has a few important advantages. The first advantage is that it makes it easier for you to control the side effects. This is very useful for beginners and reduces the risk of a steroid cycle. In addition, you can still achieve significant increases in muscle size and strength.

On the other hand, since you have no experience with steroids, taking Dianabol alone allows you to assess your body’s reaction and tolerance level. (If you take multiple steroids at the same time, you won’t be able to tell which steroid is causing the side effects!)

❌ But taking Dianabol alone has a few downsides, which I’ll mention below:

  • Decreased testosterone levels due to Dianabol suppression.
  • Challenges in maintaining muscle after the cycle ends.
  • Increased estrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia and water retention.

Benefits of taking Dianabol with other steroids:

Now, what happens if you stack Dianabol with one or more other steroids (e.g. testosterone)?

✅ Main benefits of stacking:

  • Increased testosterone levels, which compensates for the suppression of the body’s natural testosterone.
  • Increased quality and longer-lasting muscle mass.
  • Better retention of results after the cycle ends, and prevention of severe muscle mass loss.

Disadvantages of stacking Dianabol with other steroids:

  • More likely to experience side effects (liver problems, high blood pressure, hair loss, etc.).
  • You need a stronger and more professional PCT to restore normal hormone levels.
  • The costs of the cycle will be higher, as you will need more protective drugs and PCT.

So which method is better?

  • If you are a beginner and are experiencing your first steroid cycle, Use Dianabol alone to see how your body reacts.
  • If you are a professional and have more experience, Dianabol alone will probably not be enough for you, and you should use it in combination with testosterone or other steroids.

How to Control Dianabol Side Effects?

Oh, this is one of the most important parts of a beginner Dianabol cycle! First of all, let’s quickly review the possible side effects of taking Dianabol.

The main side effects that can occur when taking Dianabol are:

  • Estrogenic side effects (such as water retention and gynecomastia).
  • Liver toxicity.
  • Increased blood pressure and cholesterol.

(Source 3)

Now I will teach you how to deal with each of these side effects!

1. Use the right and controlled dosage

The first and most important strategy is to take Dianabol in the right and controlled dosage that is ideal for your physical condition.

  • If the dosage is too high, no method can prevent side effects!
  • So always choose the dosage carefully.

2. Dealing with Estrogenic Side Effects (Water Retention and Gynecomastia)

To control these side effects, you can use aromatase inhibitors (AIs) such as Arimidex or selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) such as Nolvadex or Clomid.

📌 Note: Aromatase is the process by which testosterone is converted to estrogen. Blocking this process helps reduce water retention and prevent gynecomastia.

3. Protecting the Liver and Reducing Hepatotoxicity

Dianabol is an oral steroid and passes through the liver, so it can be toxic to this vital organ. (Source 4)

To maintain proper liver function and reduce possible damage, you can take liver-protective supplements during your Dianabol cycle, such as:

  • NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine)
  • TUDCA (Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid)

📌 Note: Always avoid alcohol during your Dianabol cycle, as it puts more strain on the liver.

4. Control Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

In this section, your diet plays a major role! To control these side effects:

  • Reduce sodium intake (avoid high salt and processed foods).
  • Avoid saturated and unhealthy fats.
  • Don’t forget aerobic exercise, as it helps lower blood pressure and maintain heart health.

Managing Dianabol side effects requires proper planning, proper dosage, taking protective supplements, and following a diet. If you follow all of these tips, you can enjoy the benefits of Dianabol while minimizing its side effects.

How to do Dianabol Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)?

Performing a proper and effective post cycle therapy (PCT) is an integral part of any steroid cycle, because taking steroids disrupts the body’s natural hormonal balance and the body loses its ability to produce testosterone naturally.

You may not notice any problems during steroid use, due to their strong anabolic properties and the replacement of natural testosterone with steroids.

But what happens when your cycle ends and you stop taking steroids? At this point, your body’s natural testosterone levels drop sharply, and that means welcome to the catabolic world. 😈

Why is PCT necessary?

The goal of post cycle therapy is to:

  • Return the body’s hormone levels, especially testosterone, to normal in the shortest possible time.
  • The body will naturally produce the testosterone it needs again.
  • A significant part of the results achieved during the steroid cycle will be maintained. (Of course, the increase in volume due to water retention will be lost.)

PCT sample for a beginner Dianabol cycle

Based on personal experience and years of working with various athletes, I have concluded that the best method for post-cycle therapy of Dianabol at a beginner level is as follows:

📌 Weeks 1 to 4 (after the end of Dianabol use), perform PCT according to the following table:

PCT Program Table After Dianabol Cycle
PCT Program After Dianabol Cycle

What should be the diet and training to get the best results from the Dianabol cycle?

After oxygen, the most important factor for a bodybuilder is nutrition! You agree with this, right? If you have another opinion, tell me in the comments section so we can talk more about it! 😊

Now the important question is: What should the diet be like during the Dianabol cycle to get the best and maximum results?

I don’t think it’s worth arguing that almost all Dianabol users aim to increase muscle size and strength. Also, it is quite clear that in order to increase size and strength, you need to consume a calorie surplus.

📌 Golden Tip: Diet During the Dianabol Cycle

So we discovered the important principle: calorie surplus. You need to consume more calories than you need to maintain your weight, so that the body uses these extra calories to build muscle and increase volume.

To get the most out of Dianabol, I recommend that your daily macronutrient composition be as follows:

  • 40% of daily calories from protein
  • 40-50% from carbohydrates
  • 10-20% from healthy fats

What should your training program be like during the Dianabol cycle?

I emphasize again: the main goal during the Dianabol cycle is to increase size and strength. Therefore, your training program should also be designed to suit these goals.

Based on years of research, personal experience, and working with athletes, I have come to the conclusion that the best training program for building muscle mass and strength should have the following characteristics:

  • Focus on compound movements
  • Heavy weights with moderate repetitions (8 to 12 repetitions per set)
  • High training volume (at least 4 or 5 exercises for each muscle group)
  • Use of advanced techniques such as drop sets, rest-pauses, etc.
  • Adequate rest between sets (60 to 90 seconds is good for most people)
  • Balanced aerobic exercise (enough, but don’t overdo it)

A sample training program for a beginner’s Dianabol cycle

💪 Since I care about all of you athletes and bodybuilders, I am providing you with a sample training program suitable for a beginner’s Dianabol cycle.

But it’s better to consider this program as a template and ultimately adjust and implement it based on your physical condition and goal.

Workout Plan During Dianabol Cycle (For Muscle Mass)
Workout Plan During Dianabol Cycle (For Muscle Mass)

The biggest mistakes to avoid during a Dianabol cycle

Unfortunately, I sometimes see athletes making strange mistakes during a Dianabol cycle. I will share these mistakes with you so that you can avoid them.

List of common mistakes during the Dianabol cycle:

  • Using too high a dose (they think more is better, but it is not!)
  • Ignoring post-cycle therapy (PCT) (some people think it is just an extra and unimportant task!)
  • Ignoring liver health (Dianabol is an oral steroid and puts a lot of strain on the liver).
  • Not controlling estrogen levels (excessive estrogen can cause gynecomastia and severe water retention).
  • Not following a proper diet and training program (without proper nutrition and training, Dianabol will not lead to the desired results).

Believe it or not, each of these mistakes can cost you dearly and get you in trouble.

Conclusion and final summary

Well done! I’m really glad you stayed with me until the end of the article; it means a lot to me.

Let’s review the main points of the article very briefly and usefully:

✅ Benefits of Dianabol:

  • Increase in muscle mass
  • Increase in strength
  • Increase in red blood cell production
  • More efficient use of carbohydrates
  • Increase in nitrogen levels in the blood

❌ Possible side effects of Dianabol:

  • Severe water retention and gynecomastia
  • Acne and oily skin
  • Hair loss
  • Enlarged prostate

💊 Suitable dosage for beginners: 20 to 30 mg per day

⏳ Maximum duration of the cycle: 6 weeks

In addition to wanting you to be muscular and confident, your health is very important to me. That is why I urge you not to resort to taking anabolic steroids without sufficient information or arbitrarily.

Before taking any action, consult a knowledgeable and expert person so that you do not regret it later.

Finally, I would like to know your valuable opinion about this article! 💬😊


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